Sunday, August 26, 2007

being a witness...

Strange thing - we want to earn more and more money to buy certainty but it is not sold anywhere. More we buy more uncertainty we invite in our life. It becomes an endless circle of cause and consequence, where the consequence is the root cause of itself. Delicate feathers of life get buried beneath the misunderstood meanings.

Well yes, uncertainty is the inseparable part of life and we can bring not the ‘certainty’ in it, but ‘stability’ to certain extent. Stability - in the form of a trustworthy layer of discipline and well being, that can define the core of our existence. And it is an endless evolution. There is always a scope of improvement. After all, we don’t have to get sick to get better.

Also, we need to understand that there is a life inside and there is a life outside. Life outside is beyond our control and there is more uncertainty there hence. Life inside can be under our control which can bring stability within ourselves in encountering the life outside. This endless struggle of within and without… there are no answers to it… only witnesses…

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