signs, scare & seemabaddha...
Trust me! When one is living alone in a 3 BHK apartment, one should peacefully have dinner and go to sleep by 10 in the night. Especially one must not watch late night M Night Shyamalan’s movies at any cost. They can b
e creepy and can affect the secretion of melatonin from pineal gland which will leave the person making himself or herself coffee all night to get out of what he or she just saw. It’s not that those movies are outright scary. They don’t scare you right away, but they bring that anticipation of fear in you which is far horrid than the fear itself. “There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it…” I learned the meaning of these words by Alfred Hitchcock only last night when I was watching ‘Signs’. Wooohoo! Movie is not that scary if you watch in broad daylight. But in the night, when you are alone, you know… (Another thing that scared the crap out of me this weekend was History channel’s Double F about this person… this was scarier than 'Signs'... May be because this was REAL!)
But fortunately I didn’t spend my night making myself shots of black coffee. Because the next movie I saw was Satyajit Ray’s Seemabaddha
(Company Limited). This was my first Satyajit Ray movie and I was spellbound by the imagination, narration and direction of Ray. Sharmila Tagore was as gracious as ever, and so was the story line. I must say, with all profound awe & respect, that Ray was far ahead of his times in his vision. The way movie started unfolded and ended; and the background music (again by Ray… awesome…)… you just cannot expect that from any Bharatiya director of those times (except of course a very few), who were more inclined towards conventional sing-song, hero-villain-fight-for-leading-lady kind of movies, leaving the message and society in constipated fiction. Satyajit Ray! I salute you.
And for those of you who would like to watch Satyajit Ray’s classics, tune into Zee Studio on Saturday nights after 10 PM movie or Sunday 1500 hours. Movies are in Bengali, but they come with English subtitles.
Yawwwwn...! Nothing much. Life’s going as usual… lazy, aimless and chaotic, as was designed to be… Happy new year… I wish the intended resolutions hold this year…
Although not my first Ray movie, Seemabaddha left me totaly spellbound too. Caught Joi Baba Felunath yesterday, totally captivating and equally endearing :)
@nn: hmm.. :)
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